Horizontal resize macvim
Horizontal resize macvim

horizontal resize macvim

I like to keep the main part of the config go set filetype= go " No show command autocmd VimEnter * set nosc " Quick ESC imap jj " Jump to the next row on long lines map gj map gk nnoremap j gj nnoremap k gk " format the entire file nmap fef ggVG= " Open new buffers nmap s : leftabove vnew nmap s : rightbelow vnew nmap s : leftabove new nmap s : rightbelow new " Tab between buffers noremap " Switch between last two buffers nnoremap " Resize buffers if bufwinnr( 1) nmap Ä > nmap ö - nmap ä ++ endif " NERDTree nmap n : NERDTreeToggle let NERDTreeHighlightCursorline= 1 let NERDTreeIgnore = " Syntastic let g: syntastic_mode_map = let g: syntastic_ruby_exec = '~/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p0/bin/ruby' " CtrlP nnoremap t : CtrlP let g: ctrlp_working_path_mode = 2 let g: ctrlp_by_filename = 1 let g: ctrlp_max_files = 600 let g: ctrlp_max_depth = 5 " Go programming set rtp+= /usr/ local /Cellar/ go /1.0.3/ misc/ vim " Quit with :Q command - nargs= 0 Quit : qa! And a small.

#Horizontal resize macvim windows#

slim :% s /\s\+$// e au BufNewFile * set noeol au BufRead, BufNewFile *. When mixing vertically and horizontally split windows, a minimal size is computed and some windows may be larger if there is room. scss :% s /\s\+$// e autocmd BufWritePre *. html :% s /\s\+$// e autocmd BufWritePre *.

horizontal resize macvim

haml :% s /\s\+$// e autocmd BufWritePre *. go :% s /\s\+$// e autocmd BufWritePre *. rb :% s /\s\+$// e autocmd BufWritePre *.

Close to the topic, recently I learned about the following maps: nnoremap j nnoremap k nnoremap h nnoremap l.

I would like to have a shortcut for that.

horizontal resize macvim Set nocompatible filetype off set rtp+=~ /.vim/ bundle /vundle/ call vundle# rc() " Let Vundle manage Vundle Bundle 'gmarik/vundle' " My Bundles Bundle 'tpope/vim-sensible' Bundle 'tpope/vim-surround' Bundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive' Bundle 'tpope/vim-rails' Bundle 'tpope/vim-rake' Bundle 'nanotech/jellybeans.vim' Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-powerline' Bundle 'scrooloose/syntastic' Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdtree' Bundle 'kien/ctrlp.vim' Bundle 'rking/ag.vim' Bundle 'kana/vim-textobj-user' Bundle 'nelstrom/vim-textobj-rubyblock' Bundle 'slim-template/vim-slim' filetype plugin indent on let mapleader= "," color jellybeans set cursorline set expandtab set modelines= 0 set shiftwidth= 2 set clipboard= unnamed set synmaxcol= 128 set ttyscroll= 10 set encoding= utf -8 set tabstop= 2 set nowrap set number set expandtab set nowritebackup set noswapfile set nobackup set hlsearch set ignorecase set smartcase " Automatic formatting autocmd BufWritePre *. I can resize horizontal split windows by ctrl-w-shift-< and ctrl-w-shift->.

Horizontal resize macvim